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Rockaway is a fanzine, created and edited by fans, about Dire Strais, and, as far as nowadays the band does not exist anymore (officially) and the news today are centered in Mark Knopfler's solo work and with the Notting Hillbillies, the fanzine also covers these other sides of "Dire Straits".

It has been being published since 1995 in Barcelona. It was an original idea of Jaume Nadal and Javier Martínez, two fans that thought it was interesting to create something that did not exist. They were helped by enthusiastic fans from throughout the world and finally, Rockaway was born.

Since then, the fanzine has been published without known periodicity, depending on two different factors: if there is something important to tell and if there is enough time to spend writing and editing another number.


Site made by JBA & Galderic Allucionations Inc.